
Crisis management

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Crisis and emergencies come in many forms: civil disturbances, medical emergencies, general crime, acts of terrorism, air and natural disasters, to name a few. No two country offices will experience similar emergencies in exactly the same way.
We offer support at both Field (Incident Management) and HQ (Crisis Management) levels. We can help you with planning, training and testing. And we can also support you with advice and guidance as the situation unfolds.

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Operations continuity

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While the effects of events on operations cannot be fully predicted, anticipating risks and preparing business continuity plans help to mitigate the impact on staff, premises, assets and programmes. They increase organizations’ resilience and capacity to maintain and restore critical operations to acceptable levels. It also allows to initiate new critical and life-saving operations in response to the impact of the event if this event also impacts the populations served.

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Operational support

Approach & modalities

Different modalities to adapt to your specific needs

Advisory mode

We guide you.

Hands on mode

You supervise, we deliver.

Full-time mode

We work hand in hand.

Advisory mode

We guide you.

We provide you with a consultant (or a team) whose role is to uphold methodological standards and to accompany you in defining your needs, orientations and objectives of the project, planning, monitoring, facilitating project meetings, controlling quality and validating deliverables.
In this mode, we provide the methodology and the tools, your teams appropriate them and get the job done.

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Hands on mode

You supervise, we deliver.

We provide you with a consultant (or a team) whose role is to uphold methodological standards and to perform all required tasks in the project (i.e. project designing, planning and follow up, desktop review, interviews, meetings, presentations, design of the system to be setup, drafting the documentation, project report, etc.). In this mode, we provide the methodology, the tools and the workforce. Your team supervises the work against objectives. 

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Full-time mode

We work hand in hand.

We provide you with a consultant (or a team) who will join your teams as a full member to assist you with any project, activities or duties that need to be done. The consultant will act as a member of your organization and focus on its operational objectives.
In the time of Covid-19, this mode is particularly relevant if you need full-time support with daily activities, dealing with challenges that arise or simply to fill potential gaps within your staff.
