Hostile Environment Driving in Abidjan (RCI) in French – non residential
This training is designed to enhance the preparedness and resilience of individuals working in...

The objective of this training is to provide or deepen the theoretical and practical knowledge of anyone who may drive, including in their daily life. Beyond understanding the role and responsibilities of the driver, the aim is for participants to better control their vehicle and enhance the safety of their driving, as well as develop the skills necessary to identify and manage potential hazards while moving in any type of environment, urban or rural. Through an immersive and participatory approach, our teaching team ensures that each participant develops practical skills, appropriate reflexes, and increased confidence when facing complex situations in high-risk or fragile environments.
We work closely with a dedicated activity center, allowing us to access specialized infrastructure and simulate realistic practical cases. Participants will benefit from a variety of scenarios using vehicles, simulation equipment, dummy weapons, and materials provided by both the center and our teams. This approach ensures comprehensive and highly realistic training.
Emergency First Response
Stop the bleed
OSC Certificate